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Australian & New Zealand Geomorphology Group

The Australian and New Zealand Geomorphology Group (ANZGG) is an informal body established primarily to organise conferences on geomorphic themes for the benefit of the community of geomorphologists in Australia and New Zealand.

This website is intended to be an ongoing point of contact between the Executive of the ANZGG, which is elected afresh at each biennial conference, conference organising committees, and the wider geomorphology community.

Exclusive Content

Members receive access to and notification of news, events, grants and job opportunities.

Helpful advice

Members receive helpful advice on CEnvP (Geomorphology) accreditation.

Discounted Events

Members receive discounts on ANZGG and affiliated conferences.

Networking Opportunities

Members have access to an extensive network of geomorphologists across Australia, New Zealand and beyond.

Support colleagues

Your membership fees will also go towards supporting young geomorphologists through conference awards and grants.

11th IAG International Conference of Geomorphology

Nau Mai, Haere Mai – Welcome!

We look forward to welcoming you to Christchurch New Zealand for the International Conference on Geomorphology in 2026. 

11th IAG International Conference of Geomorphology

From: 2 Feb, 2026
to: 6 Feb, 2026
Christchurch, New Zealand

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